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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in JWoww (2)


JWoww's New Bikini Line

I guess they are going to be the hottest trend in 2012 at the Jersey Shore.

JWoww has designed her own swimwear line and here it is.

Take a look.  These bikinis have no straps and no back! They supposedly stay in place with strong adhesives.  Seems like a lot of work to me.  Oh, if interested, they are called the Perfect tan Bikini.


Double Meaning Headline of the Day: A Lot of Trash on New Jersey Beaches

It's quite a "situation" they have on New Jersey beaches and they "shorely" need to do something about it.

A record amount of trash was picked up along New Jersey beaches last year, including a kitchen sink.

Clean Ocean Action has been doing beach sweeps for 25 years and says in a report to be released Tuesday that more than 475,000 pieces of litter were removed from the shoreline last year.

They included a bag of heroin, a 10-gallon gas tank, five pairs of underwear, a duck caller and a plastic cow, in addition to the sink.

There also were four televisions, a plastic Easter egg with $3 in it, a fire extinguisher, a toilet seat lid and an MP3 player.

Also found were 84 whole tires, nearly 1,400 aerosol cans and more than 1,300 strands of fishing line, which can kill sea life that gets tangled in it.