Westminster Throws Pekingese a Bone

Madison Square Garden took a break from "Linsanity" on Tuesday and cheered for a Pekingese named Malachy.
In a deservin win, the Peke whose smushed-in face frames a mop of flyaway fur and whose pace rivals a snail's, became America's top dog by winning best in show at the Westminster Kennel Club.
This little dog beat out the likes of a Dalmatian, German shepherd, Doberman pinscher, Irish setter, a Kerry blue terrier and wire-haired dachshund. A 4-year-old pompom, Malachy wobbled to his 115th overall best in show title.
More than 2,000 purebred dogs in 185 breeds and varieties competed in the nation's most prestigious pooch parade. When it came down to a best of seven, Malachy was the last to enter the darkened ring.
The champion at Westminster wins a coveted silver bowl, but not a cent. Instead, the honor of this title lasts a lifetime for any owner, and brings a wealth of opportunity in breeding potential.
This was the fourth time a Peke won at Westminster, and the first since 1990. David Fitzpatrick, who co-owns Malachy with Iris Love and Sandra Middlebrooks, said the cute pompom was likely headed back to East Berlin, Pa., for a life in retirement.