Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.
Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.
Entries in Milwaukee (6)
NBA Finals Odds

2021 NBA Championship Odds
Phoenix Suns -170
Milwaukee Bucks +150
First game: Tuesday at Phoenix.

Giannis Signs SuperMax with Bucks

Milwaukee and Bucks fans celebrating.
Milwaukee Bucks and 'Star Wars' Night

With the "Evil Emipre" of the New York Knicks in town, the Milwaukee Buck found saw a great opportunity to throw a "Star Wars Night" at the BMO Harris Bradley Center.
The Bucks went all in with this special night, as I was able to attend being in Milwaukee working on some sports travel pieces. With Darth and Yoda doing the player intros, the Bucks Dance Team dressed as Slave Leia, and numerous other references to the movies throughout the night, the team did a great job paying homage to the sci-fi franchise and the new movie hitting theaters in less than two weeks. A fun night and saw a lot of kids dressed in character and holding light sabers.