Magician Hurt in Stunt at Racetrack

A magician from Atlanta escaped, if you can call it that with broken bones -- an ankle, a wrist, a finger and his clavicle, after a stunt he was attempting at Atlanta Motor Speedway went wrong.
Between races, he was supposed to escape from being chained at his wrists to a car, while his head was covered with a bag, before the car sped away and took him with it, the report said. It didn't work out that way and he was dragged down the track.
"I was crying. It was just excruciating pain," Michael Mooney, AKA, Moodini told Channel 2 from his hospital bed.
Of course, the whole ordeal has ended up on the Internet.
Mooney said the problem was how the chain was spread out connecting him to the car.
Terry Stork, his manager, told Channel 2 that instead of the normal 8 to 10 seconds Mooney has after the car takes off, he had only 3.
"I thank the good Lord I'm not dead right now," Mooney said.