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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in radio (40)


Rick's Appearance with Bailey and Southside on Rock 100.5 on 1/8/19

Rick joins Bailey and Southside before and during CES each year to talk tech and the latest gadgets being released.

Here is the preview from early in the morning Vegas time on 1/8/19

Have a listen:


Rick's Appearance on AM 1050 WLIP 'Kenosha Sports Extra' 12/26/18

Wrapping up the year with an appearance on "Kenosha Sports Extra" on 12/26/18 with Pat Hegewald.

Once again talking about my favorite things of 2018 and other various things with Pat.

This is a 30 minute or so clip of the 45 mins I was on.

Make sure you check out the article on the Kenosha Sports Extra website here:

Happy New Year to all the Kenosha listeners.



Rick's Appearance on 92.9 The Game with Sam Crenshaw 7/21/18 BB&T Atlanta Open

Rick joins Sam and Greg this Saturday morning as the BB&T Atlanta Open kicks off in Atlanta with a preview.


Rick's Appearance on ROCK 100.5 with Bailey and Southside from CES 1/11/18

Second appearance with Bailey and Southside Steve this week.

More from CES as the show wraps up on Friday.

Today on Bailey and Southside we make a big concert announcement, Nate is mad at Bailey for something, Southside thinks his baby said his first words, Brandi gives you headlines, we play a round of the most stolen radio gameshow in Atlanta, Google Feud, we go over songs that have been ripped off and so much more on today's episode of Bailey and Southside! And Rick from CES...

I lead off the 9am hour..



Rick's Appearance on 92.9 The Game with Sam Crenshaw Talking Tennis 7/16/17

Always great to talk tennis, and no better person to talk with than Sam Crenshaw on 92.9 The Game this morning.

Talking Wimbledon and the 2017 BB&T Atlanta Open.

Have a listen: