All Black for Valentine's Day

Funny to look back and see Suzanne and I all in black for a Valentine's Day segment.

Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.
Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.
Funny to look back and see Suzanne and I all in black for a Valentine's Day segment.
Second appearance with Bailey and Southside Steve this week.
More from CES as the show wraps up on Friday.
Today on Bailey and Southside we make a big concert announcement, Nate is mad at Bailey for something, Southside thinks his baby said his first words, Brandi gives you headlines, we play a round of the most stolen radio gameshow in Atlanta, Google Feud, we go over songs that have been ripped off and so much more on today's episode of Bailey and Southside! And Rick from CES...
I lead off the 9am hour..
Thanks to the gang from CBS Better Mornings Atlanta for having me on to talk about "Back to School" gadgets.
This morning I talked about teen drivers, texting and driving and overuse of cruise control with Barry Morgan on CJAD News Talk Radio 800 AM in Montreal.
Have a listen:
Is based on an article I wrote for on June 5.
Always great to talk with our neighbors to the north up in Canada.