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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in tennis (182)


BB&T Atlanta Open: Courts are Ready

Media and VIPs hit the Stadium and Grandstand Courts at Atlantic Station on Thursday morning as the 2017 BB&T Atlanta Open is just hours away.


Rick's Appearance on 92.9 The Game with Sam Crenshaw Talking Tennis 7/16/17

Always great to talk tennis, and no better person to talk with than Sam Crenshaw on 92.9 The Game this morning.

Talking Wimbledon and the 2017 BB&T Atlanta Open.

Have a listen:


Gilles Muller

If you aren't a hardcore tennis fan, you may not know the name. The top player from Luxembourg has been a decent player for a long time. And he beat Nadal at Wimbledon, yesterday.


Wimbledon Underway

As always, Roger Federer in the mix...


BB&T Atlanta Open Media Day

About a month before the actual tournament begins, it's BB&T Atlanta Open Media Day.

A chance for media to interact with tournament staff, players and sponsors.

A chance to get a lot of content leading up to the event.