The Beach Boys Rocket Up the Charts

What year is this, 1965?
I guess it doesn't matter, but this one of the comeback stories of the year.
The Beach Boys' new album is sitting on top of the charts and their tour is selling out from coast to coast.
And it's good.
"That's Why God Made the Radio" was released this week and it will soon be No. 1 on the charts. It's the same timeless melodies we've come to expect from Mike Love, Brian Wilson and Co.
The song writing on this album is strong and these guys can still sing and play.
I had a brush with The Beach Boys back in 2002, I beleive. I was having breakfast at the Hyatt in Downtown Dallas when a couple guys in Hawaiian shirts parked themselves at the table next to me. I thought nothing of it, until I recognized one of the guys and it was Mike Love, eating his oatmeal.
They were doing a concert in Dallas that day and they couldn't have been nicer. Lengends of American music, good guys and a great story.
It's worth a listen and a purchase.