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Entries in Times Square (2)

Dec312014 to Broadcast Live New Year's Eve Stream from Times Square


Revelers across the globe will again be able to experience the excitement of the Times Square New Year’s Eve celebration via a six-hour, live commercial-free webcast, right on The sixth annual webcast will cover the action and festivities in Times Square, beginning with the Ball Raising at 6 p.m. EST, plus live musical performances, hourly countdowns, behind-the-scenes stories, and star-studded interviews as anticipation builds towards the midnight countdown and the famous Ball Drop. Last year’s worldwide webcast was watched by more than 1.5 million unique viewers representing nearly 200 countries.

The Times Square New Year’s Eve webcast, enabled by Ustream, will feature musical performances by popular rock group O.A.R. who will perform several hit songs including “Peace” from their new album and deliver the traditional performance of “Imagine” moments before midnight. O.A.R. will be joined on the webcast by alt-rock group American Authors performing two of their hit songs “Believer” and “Best Day of My Life.” Univision will present musical performances by Alejandra Guzmán and Jencarlos Canela; and the USO Show Troupe will perform a Military Salute medley to honor our Armed Forces.

National television and radio personality Allison Hagendorf (Host on The CW, VH1, Fuse TV, SiriusXM) returns to host the live, commercial-free webcast for the third year. She will be joined by Maggie Rulli, Andrea Boehlke and Jeremy Hassell, who return from the 2013 New Year’s Eve webcast. Rulli and Hagendorf will kick-off the six-hour celebration at 6 p.m. EST and welcome the nearly one million revelers attending the celebration in Times Square as well as introduce the star of the show, the Times Square Ball.

See all the fun all day and up until midnight below.

And end you year by downloading a copy of "The Fam Trip Field Guide."

Happy New Year's!



Giant 'Star Wars' X-Wing Lands in Times Square

A huge Star Wars X-Wing spaceship has landed on New York's Times Square.

It's actually a replica of one flown in the famed movie franchise and represents the largest model ever made by Danish toy company Lego.

Unveiled on Thursday, the spectacular structure consists of more than 5.3 million of the company's multi-coloured plastic bricks, weighs almost 46,000 pounds (20,865 kilograms) and took 32 builders about 17,000 hours to put together.