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Entries in Tyler Bray (1)


Crowdfunding Corner: Entrepreneur Tyler Bray

Having launched multiple businesses before the age of 20, successful, young entrepreneur aims to inspire potential young professionals into leading a life where they can achieve great things...

Young professionals seeking a new, authentic voice to help motivate them to enhance their daily life need to look no further than 20-year-old entrepreneur Tyler Bray, ( tyler_the_asiann/ ), for inspiration.

Bray is an entrepreneur, model, and actor, who started his own business at 14. The eldest son of nine children to immigrants from Thailand, Bray was taught to be passionate in his work by his parents and believes that family is an integral part of an individual’s success.

From living in a one-bedroom apartment with eight other family members to now owning multiple businesses before the age of 20, Bray knows what is needed to succeed in today’s world. Bray currently owns five business, which are expected to reach $4 million in revenue this year, and is a success at an age where others are still struggling to determine what to do with their lives. He seeks to make a lasting impact on others and help them to start living an exceptional life.

Bray realized that a lot of the prevalent digital entrepreneurs and influencers of today were not as positively in tune with the modern-day struggle of being a hard-working, young adult, and he wants to use his experience and accomplishments as a template for helping to make an impact in people’s lives.

To counter the current narrative that young people are apathetic, lack values and are lost in a technological wasteland, Bray knew that now was the right time to appeal, empower, and motivate Millennials to aspire to achieve more out of their lives.

“There will be obstacles. There will be hard times. You will have long nights,” Bray said.

“However, if you want it enough, you can do it regardless of what comes before you. Know that every negative can be turned into a positive. You must use your generational capabilities and mentality to your advantage. Being young can be your biggest advantage, not a disadvantage. It is all up to you.”

Bray firmly believes that it is possible to be successful while adhering to classical and elegant values. He stresses that you don’t have to be vulgar and take a no-holds-barred, in-your-face approach to realize your goals and go beyond any perceived limitations.

“By engaging with me and taking from my example, you can enhance your life decisions and relationships with others in a way that benefits everyone, especially yourself,” Bray added.

Bray has led his life based on certain values, and he knows that others will be successful if they incorporate these values into their own lives. The values that are the cornerstone of his life philosophy include:

 ●       Class

●       Chivalry

●       Drive

●       Passion

●       Hard Work

●       Morals

●       Family

Bray stands by his ethos, “You can, if you will,” and he wishes to motivate others into creating something that is going to be everlasting. He encourages young people to go to his Instagram account to spread awareness and get others involved in the inspirational community that he seeks to create.