Will Ferrell Reacts to the Kristen Stewart Debacle

I know this came out a few days ago, but love Will Ferrell's take on the blown out of proportion Kristen Stewart coverage.

Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.
Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.
I know this came out a few days ago, but love Will Ferrell's take on the blown out of proportion Kristen Stewart coverage.
It looks like it isn't safe to venture back in the newsroom.
"Anchorman 2" is on the horizon.
Will Ferrell does not even start shooting until 2013, but a brand new teaser trailer has surfaced online featuring Ferrell as Ron Burgundy, along with his Channel 4 news team colleagues, as played by Paul Rudd, Steve Carrell and David Koechner.
Probably coming out in 2014.
If you love Will Ferrell and you liked his basketball movie "Semi-Pro", you'll love the fact that he did the player intros for the New Orleans Hornets game this week against the Chicago Bulls.
Classic Will Ferrell, and I'm still holding out hope for "Old School 2".
He was out for a nice morning run minding his own business except for the small problem that he was naked.
It reminded me of the scene in Old School when Will Ferrell goes streaking. And this guy was really moving.
Police had to taser the man to get him to stop. Kudos to the policeman that caught up with the naked jogger.
The full police video is here: http://www.wftv.com/video/25376681/