2014 PGA Merchandise Show Coverage

Check out all my coverage from the 2014 PGA Merchandise show over he next few days and weeks on Examiner.com and Yahoo.

Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.
Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.
Check out all my coverage from the 2014 PGA Merchandise show over he next few days and weeks on Examiner.com and Yahoo.
My pic and piece was on the front page of Yahoo this morning and features in Yahoo News!
Check it out for yourself here:
An interesting read. Yahoo has come out with the 10 reasons not to buy an iPad for students.
While some thought went into the list, i find my iPad a necessary accessory just about everywhere I go. It really is a lifesaver on planes.
See what you think of the list.
Information today leaked out detailing Yahoo's plans to close bookmarking service Delicious, one of the old-school Web 2.0 companies and a favorite of many writers and those who make their living on the web. The site launched all the way back in 2003. I'm a long-time user, so I was sad to see this news.
Fortunately, you can save all of your bookmarks. At Delicious, click settings, and scroll down to 'Export/Backup Bookmarks.' On the next screen, make sure you set your tags and notes as included, click export (this may take a while depending on how many bookmarks you have), and the site will save everything to a standard HTML file.
Not sure when it will shut down, but be prepared.
Yahoo has released its year-end list of top Web searches, which identify the trends form the past year. There are going to be many of these search lists released between now and the end of the year, including the top overall searches, top searches by country and top searches in a number of verticals, like finance, sports, questions and "obsessions" (hot items throughout the year).
For the first time ever, a news story (the BP oil spill) made it into this list, and not only that, but it reached the #1 spot. Typically, top searches are more entertainment or celebrity-focused, as the rest of the list clearly shows. But something about the oil spill encouraged the most searches. Not only did people check constantly for updates ("Is it capped yet? How about now? Now?!), Yahoo's Web Trend analyst Vera Chan speculated that the news also tapped into our society's deeper concerns about the role of big government in managing natural and manmade disasters.
Its really something that Britney Spears still makes the top-10 list. No Obama, no miners, no Wikileaks. Also iPhone shows up, but no iPad. Interesting.