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Every Tuesday morning between 9 and 9:30 am eastern time I will join Brian Katrek for "Tech Tuesday" on Sirius/XM PGA Tour Radio - Channel No. 93

We'll talk gadgets and tech, on and off the course.


Entries in fishing technology (1)


Tech Tuesday on Sirius/XM PGA Tour Radio for 10/15/13 - Fishing Technology

Rick and Brian talk fishing this week.

- Rick is in Ridgeland, Mississippi this week for the Bassmasters Championships.  Golf and fishing seem to go hand-in-hand. Golfers love to fish and anglers love golf.

* Rick and Brian look at some fishing technology

1.  St. Croix Legend Xtreme  - high tech rod
Price: $390

You could grab any fishing rod for a lake excursion and hope for the best, but this lightweight model, which tips the scale at just 4.9 ounces, is designed for accuracy. The biggest improvement for this year: a new grip that St. Croix mills on a computer numerical control (CNC) machine in its Wisconsin plant. When I used this rod, the grip provided a better sensitivity for accurate casting. The graphite material uses carbon-matte scrim for extra durability and a proprietary coating for weatherproofing

2. Castalia Magic Flight 2000 DLX   -  Reel
Price: $147.95

Fishing can learn a few lessons from golf, right? This new open-face reel by Castalia uses dimples on the edge of the spool, similar to a golf ball's, to reduce friction. As you cast, the line touches only the top of each dimple as the line unspools. The lightweight reel weighs only 7.8 ounces. There's a brass pinion gear, six ball bearings, and a rubber knob for an easier grip.


3. Garmin echoMAP 70s fish finder
Price: $1050

Available now, this chart-plotter and fish-finder combo by Garmin is intended for serious angling. The echoMAP uses a large, 7-inch screen that is easy to read in direct sunlight. The sonar recorder adjusts for the position of your boat to spot fish. You can mark up to 5000 waypoints, and the ultra-accurate GPS with its 10Hz GPS/GLONASS
Receiver updates 10 times per second.

4. Fishpond Westwater Backpack
Price: $160

I'm not against using an old-school tackle box, but they can be cumbersome. This fishing backpack is designed to keep you mobile and focused on the task at hand. The entire pouch is welded using a thermoplastic polyurethane material for durability, and the zippers are waterproof—in heavy rain, the contents will stay dry. The backpack (shown with optional chest pouch for holding quick-access tackle) also has extra straps to keep it secure and in place.

5. Hobie Cat Mirage Pro Angler 12 Kayak ( was voted the “Overall Best of Show” new product at iCAST fishing show

The 12-foot kayak has an incredible 500-pound weight capacity. It’s stable enough for stand-up fishing, stows six fishing rods, has plenty of tackle storage space, a “live well-ready” storage compartment, can accommodate a sail, and will quickly accept sonar fish-finder electronics. It has a comfortable seat designed for all-day fishing, and is powered by special “Turbo Fins” that are underneath the kayak and driven with bike-like peddles using an angler’s legs. Thus arms and hands are free for casting, landing fish, etc. It retails for about $2,500.

6. Columbia Sportswear - Fishing wear

Columbia Sportswear, which for years has been at the forefront of innovation in fishing outerwear, introduced a new line of “Omni-Freeze ZERO” clothing that effectively lowers skin temperature as a person sweats.

The company’s “Drainmaker” footwear also looks to be a winner, as the shoes offer plenty of skid-proof sole comfort, and work to keep feet dry.