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WGST's "The Sully Show" for 6/26/15 - The Tech New of the Week

* Rick and Sully discuss some of the hot tech stories of the week...

Have a listen: - there is a little dead air in the 1 minute mark, but stay with it.


1.  Taylor Swift takes on Apple and Wins...

- Think Taylor Swift has some power?

Pressure from musician Taylor Swift has forced Apple into an about-face on Apple Music, its new streaming music service. After Swift slammed the tech titan in an open letter Sunday, Apple quickly shifted position on Apple Music, announcing that it will now pay musicians royalties during the service’s free 3-month trial period.

Unveiled earlier this month, Apple Music aims to ramp up the competition with the likes of Pandora and Spotify. The service will be available June 30 as a free 3-month trial, after which a $9.99 monthly subscription fee will apply.

However, the Apple Music payment model has prompted the displeasure of Swift, who took aim at the tech giant Sunday in a Tumblr post titled “To Apple, Love Taylor”.


2.  Lexus has developed a "Hoverboard"

Just like in "Back to the Future" or sort of...

Lexus has developed a skateboard-style hoverboard, just like the one Michael J. Fox’s character cruised around town on top of in Back to the Future Part II.

The bamboo-trimmed device uses permanent magnets and liquid nitrogen-cooled superconductors to levitate, and is kitted out with a design inspired by the Toyota-owned company’s luxury cars.
But don’t expect to be cruising around downtown Hill Valley on one anytime soon. Lexus tells Engadget that, like similar board designed by California’s Arx Pax, it only works on a metallic surface, and that it built a special skate park to demonstrate it on.

3. Gmail's 'Undo Send' Option Officially Rolls Out

If you use Gmail and sent an email you didn't want to send, now you can "undo send"
Every one of us has experienced an email blunder at some point whether it was accidentally hitting reply to all, sending a message to the wrong person or forgetting to attach a file.

“Previously a popular feature in Gmail Labs, and recently added to Inbox by Gmail, today we’re adding ‘Undo Send’ as a formal setting in Gmail on the web,” said Google in an announcement. Inbox is a mobile app for iOS and Android that keeps your email organized by highlighting important information and bundling similar messages.

In the web-based version of Gmail, you can activate the “Undo Send” option by tapping on the gear icon at the top right and selecting “Settings” from the drop-down menu. Under the general settings, make sure that ”Enable Undo Send” is check-marked. You will notice that the number of seconds can be changed between 5, 10, 20 or 30. I recommend setting up “Undo Send” for 30 seconds because 5 seconds does not seem like enough time. The “Undo Send” feature will remain activated for your account if you switched it on while it was still an experiment.

4.  Samsung Laptops Are Quietly Disabling Windows Update

A Samsung software utility is quietly disabling Windows Update on the firm’s PCs in order to ensure that only the correct drivers are installed. In disabling Windows Update, the Samsung software is of course behaving like malware. And the consequences of this change, which are made without the user’s knowledge, could be bad for users.

No fix for this yet, if Samsung keeps pushing this through.

5.  Waze's "Unusual Atlanta Traffic" Twitter account

A new Twitter account to help you get around Atlanta traffic

 Unusual Traffic ATL


First to report unusual traffic in #Atlanta. Broadcast w/credit to Waze. Partnership requests:
Waze has been a great traffic app for a couple years now.
Feel free to check out

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