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Limpert Tech "SullyCast" on ALT 105.7 and iHeartRadio 11/8/19 - Jonathan and Evita Kunke, Co-founders of Honeydew Sleep Company

Talking sleep and pillows this week with two experts that make fun guests.

Jonathan and Evita Kunke, co-founders of Honeydew Sleep Company.

For those looking forward to some quiet time at home this holiday season, Jonathan and Evita Kunke have one question: Does your bedroom support your best night’s sleep?

If you want to make the most of that much-anticipated rest and relaxation time, make sure your bedroom is just the oasis you need.

The Kunke's Honeydew Sleep Company have a pillow to fit your sleeping needs and they join Rick for the entire segment this week.

“Sleep comfort is not ‘one size fits all,’” says Evita. “Each of our bodies is unique from anyone else’s. Even identical twins have unique bodies! Everyone has a different history of injury, for example, and everyone’s curves fall in different places. To maximize sleep comfort and prevent unnecessary night waking, one great thing you can each do is seek out a pillow that really suits you. Are you a side sleeper? A back sleeper? Do you prefer a body pillow? Do you have neck pain? All of these questions will help guide you to the right pillow for you — ideally one with adjustable firmness so you can get your own ‘just right’ night’s sleep.”

About Evita: Evita Kunke is a co-founder of Honeydew Sleep Company — a California-based family business that is dedicated to making the best pillows in the world. Evita learned how life-changing proper sleep alignment could be after changing her mattress helped heal the painful bulging disc in her back. After meeting and marrying her husband Jonathan, she joined him in the mattress sales business in 2013. The couple and Jonathan’s father Fred founded Honeydew Sleep Company to create an all-new kind of support pillow that would help people fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling truly refreshed without any aches and pains. Evita is also a photographer, writer, interior decorator, and event planner, She holds a B.A. in Theatre from California Lutheran University. Learn more at

About Jonathan: Jonathan Kunke is a cofounder of Honeydew Sleep Company — a California-based family business that is dedicated to making the best pillows in the world. Jonathan grew up in his father’s mattress store, then joined his dad on the showroom floor as a young man in 2005. Together with his father Fred and his wife Evita, Jonathan founded Honeydew Sleep Company to create an all-new kind of support pillow that would help people fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling truly refreshed without any aches and pains. Jonathan is an avid reader and musician, and he is very crafty. He builds guitars from scratch, and can often be found creating something in his workshop in his free time. Jonathan holds a B.A. in Cinema/Television from the University of Southern California. Learn more at


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