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Limpert Tech "SullyCast" on ALT 105.7 and iHeartRadio 1/17/20 - Dr. Oz on Sleep

Rick talks to Dr. Oz about sleep this week on iHeartRadio.

Mehmet Oz, known across America for his long-running TV show, is also an attending physician at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia Medical Center. He emphasized the importance of sleep data, speaking at the Digital Health Summit as part of CES 2020 in Las Vegas.

This interview was conducted at the SleepScore Labs booth at CES.

He said that one-third of Americans sleep less than recommended seven hours a day, and the sleep deprivation was associated with the incidence of diabetes or hypertension prognostic symptoms and obesity.
Rick talks to Dr. Oz about that and other health and sleep topics.

If people have a good night’s sleep, they can manage hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. Still, it is challenging to tackle the sleep disorder, he said. Doctors cannot record sleep data directly while a patient was asleep, which makes it difficult to earn accurate sleep data, he added.

It's tough in our fast-paces society.

Oz partnered up with ResMed, a sleep solution company, to establish a joint venture, SleepScore Labs, and built a new approach to collect accurate sleep data.

Participating in CES 2020, SleepScore Lab said the company uses what it calls the world’s most accurate, non-contact sleep monitoring technology to track and record a user’s sleep pattern. By measuring millions of hours of sleep, a physician can selectively check a patient’s sleep hours and how long the patient tossed and turned. Data will show whether a patient had a quality sleep or a poor one.

A fun and informative interview with Dr. Oz.

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