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Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio 8/13/22 - The Pretty Jumper, Shereese Cutler

Rick is joined by track and field’s Shereese Cutler, “The Pretty Jumper.”

Have a listen:

I held high school records in both cross-country and track and field. I attended college on academic and athletic scholarship, and now I compete professionally in the long jump.

I have a love for all sports and Muhammad Ali is one of my favorites. He was credited for being the first to use his athletic fame to make a difference in the world. From the, I understood that winning an Olympic medal would not be enough of a goal for me if I weren’t making the world a more positive place.

The Pretty Jumper

The pretty jumper is my athletic alias. Jumper, because I am a long jumper in the sport of track and field. The name “The Pretty Jumper” comes from my fictional hero, Sailor Moon, who calls herself “The Pretty Guardian” (of Earth). We actually have a lot in common – same zodiac sign, love for food (especially desserts), and we are passionate about helping other people. Nonetheless, my alias is a means to harness the attention I receive with my athletic talents. With it, I model, attract sponsorships, and public speaking. I try to redirect that attention to the projects I work on that help others…

More info:

29th Infantry Division at Headquarters – Fort Belvoir, Virginia
171 Aviation – Dobbins Air Force Base – Marietta, GA
165th QM (BADS) – Dobbins Air Force Base – Marietta, GA
201st HRF (Homeland Response Force) – Dobbins AFB
HHD 250TH MI (Military Intelligence) – Long Beach, CA
Military missions I was part of
Rear detachment – 29th ID HQ, 2017
Covid Mission – 201st HRF, 2020
Civil Unrest at Atlanta Capitol, 2020
Random facts
The club team I competed with when I was a child was called Quiet Fire.
I went to Torrance High School my freshman year and transferred to Saint Mary’s Academy in Inglewood to complete the last three years of my secondary education.
I attended college at the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. I was accepted as a Chemistry major on academic and athletic scholarship, but I received my Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Communication with a minor in photography.

Enjoy this talk with Shereese.

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