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Steve Mays, Founders Group International President

FGI president Steve Mays joins Rick this week.

Have a listen:

FGI president Steve Mays joins Rick this week.

FGI is Myrtle Beach’s largest ownership group with 21 golf courses and Mays has led the company’s push to renovate its courses to ensure a great vacation experience.

Pine Lakes, Grande Dunes, Pawleys Plantation and King’s North at Myrtle Beach National are among the 11 FGI courses that have enjoyed significant capital improvement

Steve has made reinvesting in golf courses a major FGI priority. King’s North follows Pawleys Plantation, Grande Dunes, Pine Lakes and River Hills in being the beneficiary of renovations in the last three years, and there will be more to come. In all, 11 of FGI’s 21 courses have undergone significant capital improvement projects in the last five years, ensuring they will be able to continue delivering unforgettable golf vacation experiences long into the future.

Rick talks to Steve about all of that and more and golf courses and resort stay relevant.

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