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« Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio: Jamie Bulger, Mac Daddy Leisure | Main | Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio: Kendrick Perkins, NBA Analyst for Speediance at CES »

Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio: Dan Pitkow, Flipper Remote

Great to run into Dan Pitkow, the inventor of the Flipper Remote at CES.

Flipper Remote is an easy-to-use large button universal remote built for elderly, kids, and partially-sighted users.

Dan designed Flipper after our founder to address his father’s Alzheimer’s Disease.  His father was a University of Pennsylvania graduate, and a practicing lawyer for 35 years.  When he was in his late 60’s, he developed Alzheimer’s Disease.  By his early 70’s, he could barely turn on his own television.

He had played golf for nearly all of his life, over 60 years. As he lost the ability to play, he turned to the Golf Channel to watch and listen to the familiar sights and sounds of the game he loved.

But with progressive Alzheimer’s, he could not turn on the TV, let alone navigate over 2000 channels to find to one thing he wanted – The Golf Channel.
Flipper was then and is now, the only specifically designed TV remote control for Alzheimer’s that gets people to their favorite content.

We made Flipper to give that part of his world back to him, and we are proud to see it bring increased independence to other people with low vision, blindness, dementia, and other cognitive or physical challenges.

Great interview and great to catch up with Dan.

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