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Each week, Rick joins his buddy Sully to talk tech on the Limpert Tech "SullyCast on ALT 105.7, formerly TalkRadio 640 WGST

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WGST's "The Sully Show" for 12/18/15 - Star Wars, Gadgets, Tech and Toys

The movie theater turnstiles are moving and anticipation is at an all-time high as Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens at cineplexes right now!.

The movie is going to break records and no movie series sells products and tie ins like the Star Wars movies. Star Wars fans can show their support and take a piece of the movie with them with some of these gadgets.

* Rick and Sully share their Star Wars memories and look at some products

Have a listen:

1.    Darth Vader Toaster

Luke, Han and Leia have to toast the Darth Side. Lord Vader rules when it comes to sales. What better gift to give the "Star Wars" newlyweds you know — and we all know them! — than a toaster in the shape of Darth Vader's helmet. For $50, you even get the "Star Wars" logo branded into every slice. It is your destiny to own this.

2.  Sphero BB-8  - App enabled droid

- It's a toy, it's areal droid and it's fun!

-  and Sprint stores in Metro Atlanta $149.99
The BB-8™ App-Enabled Droid by Sphero is the Droid your little (or big) Star Wars fanatic has been looking for, with its adaptive personality that responds to your voice. Connect to a compatible Apple® iOS or Android device to guide BB-8 around your home.It makes noises, it remembers and even try out the hologram feature,

3. SMS Audio Street By 50 "Star Wars" Headphones

Choose from Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire, Storm Trooper, Boba Fett or in the second edition, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and even Darth Vader. These On-Ear Wired headphones are sleek, ultra-durable and comfortable. The professionally tuned 40mm drivers deliver amazing clarity and richness without distortion, for the same great sound as our other headphones. Pick your favorite character and enjoy great audio.

4.  Han Solo Fridge

Bringing new meaning to "frozen" in carbonite

Let Han keep your food cool or warm
 Extra large capacity holds up to 18 cans of soda
Retails for about $150 -  Any Star Wars fans would love this

5.  BenQ Slim Bezel EW2750ZL Monitor

The perfect monitor for gamers to play all those great Star Wars video games and more...  all for about $200
BenQ makes displays that will fit every aspect of your life. Bright and vibrant monitors that look better than life itself. They also come at price points that don't break the bank and are ready to go right out of the box. The BenQ EW2750ZL is one such monitor that doesn't take any extra time to get used to seeing on your desk or entertainment center.  

Let's just call it the BenQ EW2750 for now as I talk about the fact that it weighs in at about  9 lbs. It has BenQ's ZeroFlicker Technology and its Low Blue Light Modes. This 27-inch monitor can serve many purposes. It's a second or third screen in your office, it can serve as an extra television in the kitchen or a spare room. Users also get a nice selection of I/O ports and an MHL connection which come in handy, when you need them most. With the MHL connection, this simple looking monitor can be turned into a smart monitor with the addition of a "smart connection" or set-top platform addition, with no computer hookup necessary.

Happy holidays and May the Force Be with You!