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Each week, Rick joins his buddy Sully to talk tech on the Limpert Tech "SullyCast on ALT 105.7, formerly TalkRadio 640 WGST

Entries in Lorena (1)


Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio: Lorena Figueroa, My Ultimate Bag


The Future of Secure Packaging 🔒

Rick is joined by Lorena Figueroa, the founder of My Ultimate Bag.

100% odor-scent proof, UV-resistant, and airtight. Protects against theft, tampering, leaks, and damage. This is the only bag you need for ultimate security. Get yours now!

Keep whatever you carry with your safe and dry. Lots of uses in sports and taking to sports event.

Listen to Lorena talk about My Ultimate Bag.

Get yours!