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Each week, Rick joins his buddy Sully to talk tech on the Limpert Tech "SullyCast on ALT 105.7, formerly TalkRadio 640 WGST

Entries in neurotennis (1)


Limpert Tech "SullyCast" on ALT 105.7 and iHeartRadio 12/5/20 - Alain Cohen of NeuroTennis

Rick talks with Alain Cohen,CEO of NeuroTennis this week about their smart tennis wristbands.

This is new tech in tennis. Two key differences make this wearable technology so different from other smart tennis devices on the market.

Alain explains:


“One major difference is that NeuroTennis coaches you while you play,” said NeuroTennis CEO, Alain Cohen.

“Other tennis trackers just report statistics on speed, spin, and stroke counts, without much actionable information. NeuroTennis, on the other hand, provides coaching instructions that are synchronized with the rhythm of your hitting, as you play.”


Cohen stated that the second revolutionary aspect of the technology is that it wirelessly connects the wristbands of two players across the court, in order to pinpoint the timing of audible coaching instructions, precisely when your opponent hits the ball.

Former world No. 1 Mats Wilander was an integral part of designing NeuroTennis. “To reach the next level, I believe in modifying your game and not just measuring it,” Wilander said. “I believe that to reach your full potential, you need to train your brain just as hard as your skills and fitness.”

Features and benefits of NeuroTennis include:

Two player or solo mode - NeuroTennis is most typically used in a two-player mode, meaning that the sensors in each device communicate with each other, across the court.

NeuroTennnis App - The feature-rich app allows you to select lessons and drills from an extensive library designed by world-class coaches, including Mats Wilander. Taking it to the next level, you or your coach can easily customize content to specifically address your goals. Available for iPhone and Android.

Game Modifying Technology - While other wearable tennis products just measure physical results, like speed and spin, NeuroTennis is about ingraining better habits and accessing your tennis skills consistently so you can raise your game while you practice. Training at higher levels leads to playing at higher levels.
NeuroTennis is available now at and sells as a pair for $269. For more information on how to train your brain and raise your game, visit