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Each week, Rick joins his buddy Sully to talk tech on the Limpert Tech "SullyCast on ALT 105.7, formerly TalkRadio 640 WGST

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Limpert Tech "SullyCast" on ALT 105.7 and iHeartRadio 1/25/20 - Amber Leong, Founder of Circadian Optics Light Therapy Lamps

Rick is joined by a great guest this week, Amber Leong founder of Circadian Optics Light Therapy Lamps.

Have a listen:

Circadian Optics is the maker of bright light therapy lamps to mimic daylight.  During winter, daylight is much shorter. These designer lamps allow all to get the light needed at home or at a desk. Science tells us to get enough sleep, take vitamins, drink water and exercise. However, we need sunlight. Getting light at the right time improves mood, boosts energy and regulates sleep.

Circadian Rhythm is the body’s natural way of tell you to sleep and rise, triggering important biological processes that help you function best. It is an internal clock to make us alert during the day and sleepy at night. When feeling tired, sluggish, and down, it could be due to normal disruptions to this cycle. With busy schedules that can go until past dark and almost constant screen time, modern lives are full of interruptions that could potentially throw off the sleep/wake cycle.

Bright light influences the body. Too little light in the morning could cause the tired feeling during the day. Too much light at night may make us unable to fall asleep at bedtime.

Light therapy such as Circadian Optics can reset the body’s Circadian Rhythm to help you get a better night’s sleep and feel naturally awake and energized throughout the day. As neuroscientists have discovered, harnessing the power of bright light could provide benefits to the mind and body.

Circadian Optics lamps are an easy and effective way of getting exposure to bright light indoors. They use LED lights to provide bright light while filtering out dangerous UV rays. The best time to use a Circadian Optics lamp is in the morning. Exposure to bright light in the early part of the day stimulates receptors in your eyes and sets your body clock for the day. Morning light is most effective in helping be awake, alert and energetic during the day.

Amber even made a recent appearance on Shark Tank, where she got a deal.

More on that when you listen to the segment!

Amber Leong grew up poor without indoor plumbing in Malaysia. Her parents cashed out their retirement account and took every dollar they had plus borrowing from family to send her to school in Minnesota. During her first semester in college, she was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with toxic shock syndrome. Given a 50/50 change of survival, she did survive and then dedicated her life to making a different for others. Circadian Optics light therapy lamps were born in a dark office during a long Minnesota winter. Amber had trouble concentrating due to the lack of light. She tried light therapy and realized that there was a way to design a better looking lamp. Amber recently pitched Circadian Optics on ABC-TV’s “Shark Tank.”