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Each week, Rick joins his buddy Sully to talk tech on the Limpert Tech "SullyCast on ALT 105.7, formerly TalkRadio 640 WGST

Entries in Verizon (1)


Limpert Tech "SullyCast" on ALT 105.7 and iHeartRadio 10/23/21 - Wendy Tacetta, Leads Verizon Small Business' Arm

Great to talk with Wendy.

Wendy Taccetta leads Verizon Business’ small business arm. As businesses have emerged from the pandemic, Verizon Business is helping them in their next phase on digitally transforming the business and building on the forced innovation from the last year and a half.


Wendy has been all over her market visiting stores and meeting with local customers to understand their needs and ensure that Verizon is offering the products and services that these businesses need as they transform themselves.

Throughout the pandemic, Verizon Business has partnered with its small business customers ranging from providing financial assistance to advice to helping organizations rethink their technology footprint. Verizon has worked with LISC to give numerous local Atlanta businesses grant money.

Thanks to Wendy Taccetta, Senior Vice President for Nationwide Small Business and Channel Chief for Verizon Business for a chance to learn more about how they’ve adjusted throughout the pandemic and used the tools provided by Verizon in their next phase digitally transforming their business and building on the forced innovation from the last year and a half.