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Each week, Rick joins his buddy Sully to talk tech on the Limpert Tech "SullyCast on ALT 105.7, formerly TalkRadio 640 WGST

Entries in Walmart (1)


Limpert Tech "SullyCast" on Radio 105.7 - Black Friday Deals and Tips

November 25 is Black Friday and that means holiday shopping, deals on gadgets and gift items and a day that retailers across the country control.

Rick and Sully discuss some Black Friday deals and tips...   Have a great Thanksgiving and Black Friday!

Have a listen:

**  Don't forget that Saturday, Nov. 26, is Small Business Saturday and it's a great day, along with every other day of the year to support small businesses in your city or town. Small Businesses are the backbone of this country. Get out and #ShopSmall

1.  Walmart

50" Samsung Smart TV  $398

Walmart's Black Friday 2016 store hours begin at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day in-stores, with Black Friday deals available online all day on Thanksgiving beginning at 12:01 a.m. PST.

2. Fry's Electronics

* Get deals on computers and more by email only!

Fry's Electronics' 2016 Black Friday deals are available by email only this year. Sign up for Fry's emails to make sure you don't miss out! Fry’s was founded as a one-stop-shopping environment for hi-tech professionals, and offers a wide variety of over 50,000 electronic items in their stores and ecommerce site.

3.  Amazon's Black Friday deals are already underway.  Kindles, PC's, tech accessories and sports gear

4. Sprint, AT&T and all the mobile phone providers.

Black Friday is a great deal to get a new smartphone. BOGO deals, no activation fees, many phones are free with a 2-year contract.


5.  "Refurbished" Can Save You Money

The latest technology can be expensive. Many times, buying the same item, but refurbished can save you a lot of money.

Experimac in Sandy Springs is a reseller of Apple products.  They sell, what they like to refer to as "Pre-Owned" or Gently Loved products.

Owner Neil Kent explains:

“Often times people refer to our inventory as “refurbished”.  We don’t use that term.  "Pre-owned” or “Gently-Loved” better describes our products.  The term refurbished is usually associated with products that have been returned because their was something wrong with them, at which point a factory has had to repair them to get them back to working order.  In our store, the vast majority of the products we sell have been thoroughly inspected, of course, and in general have had no more done to them than a replaced hard drive or battery, as those items tend to wear out over time.  Anything requiring much more than that will be parted out and the good components are used for repairs.  For example, a computer that has been liquid damaged may still have a perfectly good display that we can use to perform a more cost effective repair for a customer that has cracked their display, rather than ordering a brand new display for them at a much higher cost.”