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"The Tech of Sports" Episode 27: Golf Author James Ross

This week on "The Tech of Sports",  I talk with James Ross, a great guy, and author of five fictional golf books.

Jim is an avid golfer and it comes through in his writings.  The books are a series, so I recommend you start out with "Lifetime Loser" and then plow your way through the rest of them.

Here's my interview with Jim.  Watch the video or listen to the audio.

And you can beging your journey with Jim and all his great characters by ordering "Lifetime Loser" on Amazon.


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 19: 3-Time Olympian Suzy Favor-Hamilton

She's a three-time Olympian and is not afraid to tell her story and speak candidly about the Olympics, running and branding.

She was happy to come on "The Tech of Sports" and talk about all that and more.

Suzy is now a speaker, author and real estate agent.  Her last Olympics was in 2000 and much has changed since then.

Have a listen: