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Entries in Podcasts (3)


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 39: Social Media with Rich Sullivan

Great to have Rich on to talk sports and social media.


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 32: Steve Craig

Have a listen to the wit and wisdom of Steve Craig


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 5: Nancy Robitaille, Principal Designer for Fila Golf

This week on "The Tech of Sports" we talk with Nancy Robataille.  Nancy is the Principal Designer for Fila Golf.  It's a great line of golf clothes and accessories and Nancy talks about how she gets her ideas, the testing process and her worst fear as a designer.

Fila has done a great job in recent years with their golf collections and Nancy really is passionate about her work.  It was great having her on.

You can listen here:

-We apologize for a few Skype problems we had this week.