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The Euros are Coming in Drag Racing

What do you think of when you hear the names Stig Neergaard, Lex Joon, Urs Erbacher, and Thomas Nataas?

The new pop music supergroup from Sweden?

The Norwegian Davis Cup Tennis Team?

or a law firm outside of Helsinki?

No, it's none of the above, but they are 4 European drag racers that have for the time being set up shop in The United States and will race in the final 2 NHRA races of the year on the West Coast.

It's great worldwide exposure for NHRA Drag Racing, and all four are successful drag racers across the pond.  Not sure how they will do at Vegas and Pomona, but they do have a little experience here in America, and are looking to possibly make the jump to the NHRA.

It would be great for the NHRA and the sport if they can be competitive this time around

Here's Erbacher, from Switzerland in action.


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