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NHRA will make history this weekend

The NHRA will crown four champions in its mail Pro classes this weekend in Pomona.

Each class usually has its own storyline, and this year is no exception.

In Pro Stock Motorcycle, it’s a battle between Hector Arana and defending world champion Eddie Krawiec, who trails Arana by 54 points.  Arana is a grizzed veteran who has never had a bike this good before.  Krawiec is always the model of consistency and if Arana blinks look for Krawiec to take advantage.

Mike Edwards has it all but clinched in Pro Stock.  He currently has a 139-point lead over three-time champ Greg Anderson. Edwards, who leads all drivers with 15 No. 1 qualifiers this season, just needs to qualify to win his first championship.

It gets more interesting in Funny Car.  Robert Hight and the Auto Club Ford Mustang team have a 105 point lead over teammate Ashley Force Hood.  Hight has had the best car throughout the Countdown, after almost being left out.

The action really heats up in Top Fuel where 1 point separate 7 time defending champ Tony Schumacher from Larry Dixon.  Dixon has Schumacher's old crew chief Alan Johnson in his camp now, but Schumacher is happy with his team and what he has accomplished this year.  It would be great if it were to go down to a final race between Schumacher and Dixon to decide it all.  It's hard to be against Schumacher and the U.S. Army Team.

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