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Black Friday Ads Continue to Leak

It is less than two weeks until the day retailers and shoppers look forward to , or dread.  BLACK FRIDAY.

I remember as a kid anxiously awaiting the Thanksgiving edition of The Racine Journal Times to see what the day after Thanksgiving sales would look like.  I don't believe people started calling it "Black Friday" until sometime in the 90's.

I might've been looking for deals on Commodore 64 games, televisions, or maybe even boom boxes.

Now, Black Friday is basically a national holiday.  On the calendar it falls between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but in shopper's minds it ranks ahead of Halloween and a notch behind New Year's Day.


The ads continued to leak this past week, and more will leading up to the big day.


Best Buy will open at 5am on Black Friday:


Compaq Netbook w/Intel Atom Processor, 1GB Memory, 160GB Hard Drive - $179.99
Compaq Netbook w/Intel Atom Processor, 1GB Memory, 250GB Hard Drive - $229.99


Radio Shack has some door busters:




Digital Cameras

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