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World's Cheapest Netbook Priced at $80

The netbook wars are on.  A China based manufacturer named Menq is launching an $80 netbook that runs Windows CE 5.0 on an ARM9-based Samsung S3C2450 processor.  It has a 7 inch screen with a 800 x 480 display.  Other basic features include WiFi, Ethernet, and SD storage.

Details from the Menq website are still a little vague.  Buyers will have a selection of colors for the netbook including pink, blue, white, and green to go with the basic black. 

One possibility is this unit will be able to run an  Android operating system.  This to me, looks like a disposable PC.  It has 128MB RAM and 2GB of internal flash. but the internal flash can be upgraded to 32GB.  I would be interested to see it, and try this Menq out, but it looks like it wouldn't be able to do much more than surf the web.  I do like the $80 price, though.  Netbooks are heading to the $100-150 range.


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