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Brett Favre Watch: Will He or Won't He? Day 2

Day 2 of the Brett Favre hostage crisis.  Will he, or won't he play against New England.

 Favre told reporters Wednesday he would love to play in Sunday's game but isn't sure if he will.

"I would love to be able to try and do it," Favre told reporters.

"Sunday I'm still going to have a broken foot."

He will continue to receive treatment throughout the week, and will make the trip to New England.  it may be a gametime decision by Favre and Coach Brad Childress whether he will take the field.

Favre is wearing a walking boot, will not practice Wednesday.  After being battered and beaten against the Green Bay Packers on Sunday, Favre currently has  two fractures in his surgically repaired left ankle.


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