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Dancing With the Stars Week 3 Preview: Will 'The Situation' Boyle Over?


It's week three of this installment of Dancing With the Stars, and it's time I tell you a little story.  I mean the dancers tonight will tell you a story, or at least attmept to.

The pairs tonight must incorporate a story into their dance routines to move on to the third week.  To me, this actually favors dancers that have a story to tell.  That should eliminate "The Situation" who is living on borrowed time at this point.

Athletes Rick Fox and Kurt Warner should have great stories to tell as should Florence Henderson and even Margaret Cho.

This is an important week, and usually the last week where judges tend to give the benefit of the doubt to the lesser dancers.  Historically, after this week, the routing get more difficult and more is expected of the competitors.  "The Situation" should go, he is not the level of the other celebs, and I don't think he has the work ethic of the others as well.

On a side note, another "situation" is brewing.  British singing sensation Susan Boyle will not be appearing on Tuesday's episode.  She did not board a flight to L.A. possibly due to a throat infection and she will be replaced by another artist.  TMZ reported she was to sing "Hallelujah."

Should be entertaining shows Monday and Tuesday night.


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