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iPads Go on Sale at Amazon and Target Stores

It is now easier to buy an iPad.  The 9.7" device -- which is available in 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB capacities in both Wi-Fi-only and 3G versions -- has reinvigorated consumers' interest in tablet devices and competitors are readying their entries into the field.

IPads have been selling at a furious pace, and after only initially being available in Apple Retail Stores, Apple's online store, and Best Buy, Apple is now spreading the wealth to and Target.


Target will also start a new promotion on October 17 which will give Target credit card holder a 5 percent discount on the purchase of any iPad. For those that purchase a 64GB iPad Wi-Fi, that would amount to a discount of $35.


Those who purchase from can get a "discount" of their own -- that is if they live in a state where Amazon doesn't have a business presence -- thanks to there being no sales tax on the purchase price of an iPad.


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