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Dancing With the Stars: Week 3 Results Show Preview

Week 3 of Dancing With the Stars is in the books and is was quite a performance show.

We saw Mark Ballas as a homeless person, Florence Henderson recreating The Sound of Music, and The Situation attempting to travel through time.

It was 'Story Week" and as we turn to a new chapter some things stood out to me. The judges are tough this year. Especially to teams that are showing potential, this will pay off in the long run. Bristol Palin is getting more comfortable in front of the camera. She started out really shy, now she is just a little shy. The judges are right in saying she has to get more connected and emotional while dancing. And third, The Situation needs to go, but he might last another week.

I predict that as I sit here 30 minutes before the show that Margaret Cho will be out tonight. She hasn't improved very much, and as hard as Louis is working with her, she doesn't have the ability of the other dancers.

So, Cho this week, and The Situation should go home next week.

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