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CNN's 'Parker Spitzer' on Deathwatch

I don't know what has been worse, the ratings for CNN"s new show Parker Spitzer, or the show itself.

Here's how the show has fared so far in its time slot:

Fox News Channel: The O’Reilly Factor: 3,112,000 viewers (722,000 in the key demo 25-54)
MSNBC: Countdown with Keith Olbermann: 1,115,000 viewers (329,000 in 25-54)
HLN: Nancy Grace: 468,000 viewers (149,000 in 25-54)
CNN: Parker Spitzer debut: 454,000 viewers (118,000 in 25-54 demo).

"Parker Spitzer" actually lost audience from the lead-in provided by John King at 7 p.m. (471,000 viewers). And King's show has severe ratings issues.  This is real nad news for this show, and it looks like another bad programming decision for CNN.

Campbell Brown left CNN in July, having averaged 591,000 total viewers in this time slot for the year.

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