Atlanta Radio Host/Producer Fired for Tweets Critical of Advertiser

You would think a big company like Delta Air Lines would have something better to do than get an Atlanta sports radio host and producer fired for sarcasm laced Twitter messages. Note to Delta: Use social media to help customers, not get them fired!
It happened today when Chadd Scott, producer of the Chuck and Chernoff show on 680 the Fan was fired for giving updates on his Delta flight delays while in St. Louis.
Delta is a big advertiser on 680 and they apparently monitor tweets from Atlanta radio personalities and if they don't like what they are saying, even though it may be the truth, they throw their weight around to get them fired.
Although Scott is taking it in stride, I think Delta is wrong for holding something like this over the heads of a radio station, and 680 the Fan and Dickey Broadcasting are spineless for not supporting an employee.
Delta prides itself on helping customers through the use of social media with its new DeltaAssist endeavor, it also looks like it will use social media like Twitter and Facebook to play bully.
Even though Scott feels ok about what he did, I'm sure he would've acted differently if he knew what the end result was going to be.
Looks like lessons should be learned by all the parties involved.

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