New Microsoft Store in Atlanta

The 9th Microsoft Store opened on Friday at Lenox Mall in Atlanta. Good crowds hit the store all day long.
I'm hoping to check out the store today, and possibly go to the American Idols concert they are putting on in honor of the Grand Opening.
American Idol,
Lenox Mall,
Microsoft Store in

Reader Comments (1)
It would be nice if our returning heroes could help us take our country back.
That's right guys, while you were gone, subversives and progressives have been trying to steal our country. Maybe if you could show up at some places where union goons are pushing around tea party seniors, or at town hall meetings where scumbags are trying to run the show, or maybe hang around polling places during elections where the New Black Panthers are trying to intimidate voters.
You don't have to do anything, just show up in uniform—that's the ticket!
You will be surprised at all the "Thank you for your service and thank you for being here today" comments you will receive.
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