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Salmonella Outbreak Now Reaches Bags of Peanuts

A salmonella outbreak linked to a New Mexico peanut supplier has expanded again with the voluntary recall of thousands of bags of whole peanuts by Hines Nut Co.  The Dallas-based company recalled bags of salted jumbo Virginia in-shell peanuts on Monday for possible contamination with salmonella. The peanuts were processed by Sunland Inc. of Portales, N.M.

There are no reported illnesses from the Hines products.

Nearly 2 million pounds of peanuts are involved in the Hines recall, with the bags sold nationally in supermarkets such as Wal-mart and Dollar General stores. The salted jumbo peanuts were distributed from April 12 to Oct. 12, according to officials at the Food and Drug Administration.

The packing information begins with the words ‘BEST BUY’. The recall lot numbers are as follows, located on the fourth line of the ‘BEST BUY’ statement:

S03718, S03699, S03724, S03753, S03765, S03784, S03798, S03806, S03810, S03824, S03826, S03840, S03863, S03886, S03907, S03928, S03933, S03938, S03950, S03958, S03967, S03972, S03978, S03989, S03991, S04012, S04025, S04042, S04054, S04066, S04097, S04109, S04123, S04134, S04141, S04141, S04165, S04200, S04201, S04211, S04229, S04236, and S04247.

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