Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Golf Speak Exposed

Golf Speak is an ancient language, developed over centuries and fine tuned in recent years with the dramatic increase in televised tournaments played all year round. Golfer’s all over the globe have adopted phrases heard from enthusiastic patrons in faraway places and developed modern dialect adding to their own comments and clichés that are, well quite frankly absurd to non-golfer’s. This book takes a tongue in cheek look at ‘The Crazy Things That Golfer’s Say’ and what a playing partner could reply with if the statement is taken literally, with a little bit of psychobabble and definitions to what the comment really means. It is a funny look at ‘Golf Speak’ exposing the ancient and modern language, while reinforcing the need to maintain etiquette and decorum. A book packed with phrases said every day on golf courses all over the world.

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