Can't beat this reading device for $59.
What's new
Touchscreen display, enhanced software, twice the storage
Kindle reads like a book, and goes beyond a book
- Touchscreen display that reads like real paper—no screen glare, even in bright sunlight
- Exclusive Kindle features—now includes Goodreads integration, Kindle FreeTime, Vocabulary Builder, Word Wise, and more
- Double the on-device storage—holds thousands of books
- Page turns fly with a 20% faster processor
- Lighter than a paperback—fits in your pocket
- Battery lasts weeks, not hours
- Massive book selection, lowest prices—over a million titles less than $4.99
- Download books in less than 60 seconds with built-in Wi-Fi
- Encourage kids to read even more with Kindle FreeTime
- Try Kindle Unlimited for free—choose from over 700,000 titles. Try it free for 30 days.
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