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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Kindle (59)


Book Pick of the Week: Tech-Life Balance: 101 Ways to Thrive in a Digital World 


Tech-Life Balance: 101 Ways to Thrive in a Digital World is for you.

Written by digital wellness expert and founder of Phone Free Day, Taíno Bendz, and drawing on his research and first-hand experiences, Tech-Life Balance looks into all the ways we have been tethered by technology and how to fix it with creative and strategic ideas.

tech-life balance
also tech/life balance (noun)
using technology in a way that doesn’t
have a negative effect on your personal
life or relationships

How often do you look at your phone? Does it feel like you can’t go five minutes without browsing social media, checking your email, or sending a text?

In the modern digital age, being connected 24/7 is more than a habit—it seems like a necessity. Tech-Life Balance tackles the very real issue of being addicted to our devices with 101 easy-to-implement life hacks to rein in your tech use, reclaim your life and achieve digital wellness.

With Tech-Life Balance, you’ll learn to:
• Set personal boundaries, designating specific spaces and times as “tech-free”
• Manage screen time and your social media presence to limit mindless scrolling
• Adopt productive work habits to stay focused and on-task
• Improve personal relationships by minimizing tech clutter
• Become healthier and more active, just by putting your phone away
• Identify tech-life balance promoting apps to help you organize your time

By following the practices in this book, you can improve your health, sharpen your focus and learn to experience life in a whole new way.

Taíno Bendz is the founder of Phone Free Day and his own consulting business, and his message on mindful and intentional technology usage has reached and inspired hundreds of thousands of people around the world. He is a public speaker, workshop facilitator, and conducts research on digital technology usage. Taíno holds a Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management and has spent the last 10 years working in technology sectors such as renewable energy, healthcare IT, and software automation. He currently lives in Sweden with his partner and two young sons.


Kindle Pick of the Week: The Last Good Samaritan

An accident in the middle of nowhere. Millions in untraceable cash. Not a single witness. What would you do?
His life broken after being kicked out of the force, ex-marine turned police detective, Jack Williams, tries to live a good, honest life and not let his wrongful dismissal and the resulting loss of his kids by a vindictive ex-wife get him down. But when he witnesses a fatal car crash while driving on a remote mountain pass, he makes a discovery that will change his life forever – one hundred and twenty million dollars in drug money, destined for the pockets of a evil and notorious cartel boss.

As the only man on Earth who knows the location of the money, Jack finds himself torn between his morals and needs... and with his own funds running dry, Jack knows what he has to do.

Drawing on the help of his lawyer friend, he hopes to set up an intricate laundering scheme to legally get the money back into the country, and allow him to rebuild his broken life.

But the cartel won’t let their money slip away so easily. They’re prepared to do whatever it takes to track down the thief and take their revenge – and it’s only a matter of time before Jack finds himself in their crosshairs...

If you’re a fan of high-stakes thrillers filled with suspense and danger, then you don’t want to miss The Last Good Samaritan.


Kindle Pick of the Week: Ice Bowl: The Game That Will Never Die

With football season approaching, let's take a unique look at the Ice Bowl.

The 1967 NFL Championship Game – better known as the Ice Bowl – is the rare event in which stories from the day have earned a permanent place in family history and the lore of the sport. The Green Bay Packers defeated the Dallas Cowboys on a Wisconsin winter afternoon so cold that it renders the Packers’ victory two weeks later in Super Bowl II almost a footnote in football history. Such is the impact of the Ice Bowl that references to the game populate everything from obituaries to league historical records.

Author Tony Walter was among the shivering multitude in Lambeau Field that New Year’s Eve day. His role as a photographer’s assistant rendered meaningless by the penetrating cold, he was able to watch the game from the sidelines and saw the dramatic final series unfold in front of him.

In Ice Bowl: The Game That Will Never Die, Tony shares stories and never-before-published photos from some of the other 50,000 people who legitimately can say, “I was at the Ice Bowl,” along with others who experienced the game around the world. Passed down through the generations like some sort of badge of honor, the spirit of the Ice Bowl will live forever.


Kindle Pick of the Week: Zen Rohatsu

How does a society – or an entire civilization, for that matter – cope with the stressors that have been building up during the last few years? Frustration, anger, pain and even hatred seem to be running rampant worldwide. Author Nora D’Ecclesis explores a path that could offer an effective coping strategy for readers in her new book, Zen Rohatsu, which became the Amazon No. 1 bestseller in its category 24 hours after it was released.

“Zen Rohatsu is a microcosm of Zen meditation which best explains why we meditate and why most should consider this spiritual practice,” she said. “I sat to outline a story about my spiritual practice, which I wrote from the memory of my own experiences as a lay meditator. The result is this book.”

Rohatsu is Japanese for "eighth day of the twelfth month." December 8 has come to be the day that Japanese Zen Buddhists observe the enlightenment of the historical Buddha. While Zen Rohatsu isn’t exactly a “how-to” guide, it does lead readers down a path that will help them understand this type of meditation and how it might help them in so many ways.

D’Ecclesis summarizes it thus: “Zazen, a Japanese style dating back to the Buddha, is a meditation that keeps us in the present with focus, equanimity and stress management by clearing our thoughts from the various anxieties that permeate them. We turn off the chatter in our own heads and establish a place of compassion. We all experience interoceptive responses to the stressors and suffering and even the great joys in life, as all sentient beings do, so the balance of meditation and concept of equanimity are a welcome alternative.”

Nora D’Ecclesis is an American bestselling non-fiction author and Haiku poet. Her international No.1 bestseller The Retro Budget Prescription held the top spot in Kindle book downloads for the business/self-help category for over a year. She is a graduate of Kean University of New Jersey with post graduate degrees in administration and education. Her other published non-fiction includes Amazon No. 1 bestseller Haiku: Natures Meditation and paperbacks/eBooks on such topics as time management, guided visualizations, gratitude/equanimity, journaling and Zen meditation.

For more information about the author, visit:

or follow her on Twitter: or

Zen Rohatsu

Publisher: Renaissance Presentations, LLC


Available from and anywhere books are sold


Kindle Pick of the Week: Baseball: Teach Your Kid to Hit...So They Don't Quit!

Teach your child to hit…. To make contact with a baseball or a softball!
Yes … YOU the parent, CAN!
And when your child hits the ball, runs it out and is part of the game he/she will be having fun! They will feel a part of the team, enjoy the dugout companionship and want to come back tomorrow and play again!

But swinging and missing over and over will cause frustration and embarrassment, and drive them to another activity, quickly.

And once a child quits a sport, they don’t come back.

So, it is our responsibility to “Teach Your Kid to Hit …. So They Don’t Quit”

★ The purpose of this book is two-fold.

To provide a process to teach ordinary kids, who like, and want to play baseball, how to make[GK1] contact with a pitched ball, so they don’t get frustrated and quit AND …
To convince parents that THEY are the ones that can learn this process, and teach their child to hit.
This book is not designed to create the next AAU Traveling Team All Star, or the next Major Leaguer, although the process will show you how you can provide the success you need to make it all the way to Professional Ball.

Rather, what this book is meant to do, through a Top Hand Hitting method, is to convince ordinary parents that THEY are the ones that can teach their child to hit.

This simple process is meant for ordinary kids, who like, and want to play baseball, how to make contact with a pitched ball.

Parents and kids will benefit from this book!