Kindle Pick of the Week: Baseball: Teach Your Kid to Hit...So They Don't Quit!

Teach your child to hit…. To make contact with a baseball or a softball!
Yes … YOU the parent, CAN!
And when your child hits the ball, runs it out and is part of the game he/she will be having fun! They will feel a part of the team, enjoy the dugout companionship and want to come back tomorrow and play again!
But swinging and missing over and over will cause frustration and embarrassment, and drive them to another activity, quickly.
And once a child quits a sport, they don’t come back.
So, it is our responsibility to “Teach Your Kid to Hit …. So They Don’t Quit”
★ The purpose of this book is two-fold.
To provide a process to teach ordinary kids, who like, and want to play baseball, how to make[GK1] contact with a pitched ball, so they don’t get frustrated and quit AND …
To convince parents that THEY are the ones that can learn this process, and teach their child to hit.
This book is not designed to create the next AAU Traveling Team All Star, or the next Major Leaguer, although the process will show you how you can provide the success you need to make it all the way to Professional Ball.
Rather, what this book is meant to do, through a Top Hand Hitting method, is to convince ordinary parents that THEY are the ones that can teach their child to hit.
This simple process is meant for ordinary kids, who like, and want to play baseball, how to make contact with a pitched ball.
Parents and kids will benefit from this book!
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