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Revisiting 'The Handbook for Americans'

Revisiting this as it's Memorial Day Weekend!

Not political and very thorough.

Now, more than ever, Americans are faced with economic, environmental and philosophical challenges that require a strong response. When we ask ourselves, "What does it mean to be an American? What do we stand for?" we are in fact casting about for the resources and traditions to enable us to meet today's challenges. The Handbook for Americans, Revised Edition features the foundational documents of our democracy--The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights--and provides information every American citizen should know about how our government works and the balance of powers set forth by the Nation's founders. An overview of key moments in America's history, including the long march toward equal rights, provides inspiration and a valuable historical perspective. The Handbook for Americans is a comprehensive resource of the traditions, customs, and facts every American should know about their country.

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