Book Pick of the Week: B.R.A.N.D. Before You Resume'

Graciela Tiscareño-Sato, a decorated Latina aviator in the U.S. Air Force, successfully transitioned from military life to marketing manager. Her powerfully simplistic and much-needed guidebook, B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé, provides actionable tips to help veterans achieve post-military success. Together with her companion online course, Graciela empowers fellow veterans to communicate their unique value to civilian organizations.
After nearly a decade as an Air Force aviator, Tiscareño-Sato is now a marketing professional and entrepreneur who knows first-hand the military-to-civilian transition chaos that all service members must navigate as they become veterans. Her groundbreaking new book, B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé, and companion online course deliver a solution that is described by Tiscareño-Sato as “counterculture to the institutionalized, ineffective, outdated way the DoD and DoL ‘prepare’ people to exit the service via the Transition Assistance Program.”
B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé readers will complete the “extracting product attributes” exercise, see nearly 30 examples of great branding created by veterans Tiscareño-Sato has personally coached, and learn how to write their own AUTHENTIC personal branding to influence their intended target audience. Tiscareño-Sato teaches readers a repeatable marketing messaging process that will be useful for years to come.
Asked about the book’s title, Tiscareño-Sato said, “I created the B.R.A.N.D. acronym to emphasize that military veterans must first Become Relevant, Authentic, Noticeable and Differentiated, instead of writing resumés that nobody will read. We are professionals with diverse, transferable skills earned during our military service. We must, however, first intrigue potential employers and networking partners with our distinctive value.”
The book has already reached No. 1 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases in the Military Family category, and the Military Writers Society of America recognized B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé with a 2021 Silver Medal.
If you’re a veteran or transitioning service member who has difficulty communicating the distinctive leadership experiences and achievements earned on active duty, Tiscareño-Sato’s guidebook and online course can equip you with the skills you need to demonstrate your worth, secure those job interviews, and achieve post-military success.
Author Graciela Tiscareño-Sato is an Air Force veteran, award-winning author and bilingual public speaker who has coached over 5,000 veterans, service members and professionals with live and virtual Authentic Personal Branding workshops. She is a highly decorated USAF aviator and was a 2014 White House Champion of Change honoree, which recognizes individuals, businesses and organizations whose extraordinary accomplishments positively affect communities. She completed her Air Force ROTC Aerospace Studies and her degree in Environmental Design/Architecture from U.C. Berkeley as a scholarship cadet. During Operation Southern Watch, she became the first Latina Air Force aviator to earn an Air Medal for combat air operations.
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