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Entries in artist (2)


Book Pick of the Week: Muhammad Ali: The Untold Story

This is an amazing look at Ali outside the ring and his creativity.

For most people, it’s a little known fact Cassius Clay Sr. was a house painter as well as fine arts painter in his hometown Louisville and that he shared his love of the arts and encouraged his son, known globally as Muhammad Ali, to explore his artistic side.

Over the years, Ali expressed himself beautifully and produced a large number of drawings, paintings and, poetry over the years. In 1977, historian, Rodney Hilton Brown, veteran, collector, and author, was the owner of an art gallery in Manhattan. He met  Muhammad Ali at a charity boxing match in Boston. They formed a friendship and partnership that lasted for the rest of Ali’s lifetime. Rodney became the greatest boxer of all time’s art dealer, friend, confidant, representative to the United Nations, and business.  Ali lovingly nicknamed him “The Vanilla Brother.”   

Rodney, now in his seventh decade, felt the time was ripe to tell his story and share his never-before-revealed memories about the decades he spent with “the greatest of all time” with the world.  The result is MUHAMMAD ALI: The Untold Story: Painter, Poet, and Prophet.

Hilton-Brown’s rare and extensive collection of Muhammad Ali’s artwork and some other items will be sold at auction this coming October 5, 2021, in the morning at Bonhams in Manhattan and online.

There are so many interesting facts and images in this book!

Order here on Amazon:



Thomas Kincade Will Live On With Apps

Thomas Kinkade will be known as America's most collected living artist. Coming from a modest background, Kinkade emphasizes simple pleasures and inspirational messages through his paintings. As a devout Christian, Kinkade used his gift as a vehicle to communicate and spread inherent life-affirming values.

Kincade died at his California home over the weekend, his family said.He was 54.Family and friends recalled the artist as a generous man, who inspired others and will missed."He had a rare ability to exude a sense of warmth, a transcendent light," said Robert Goodwin, who wrote the book "Points of Light: A Celebration of the American Spirit of Giving," with Kinkade.

Thomas Kinkade Limited Edition Art combines old world craftsmanship with the finest materials and latest production technologies to produce extraordinary canvas and paper Artwork. Each image is carefully reproduced to Thom's exacting standards so that the image you bring into your home radiates the same brilliance of the original.

A free Thomas Kincade app is available for your iDevice. I recommend it and think you will enjoy it.
