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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in find my iphone (2)


iPad Free App of the Week: Find My iPhone

Find My iPhone is an app enables Apple owners to track down their missing device using the internal GPS sensor that is equipped in all mobile gadgets. After downloading the latest iOS 4.2 mobile software and the free app, all users need to do is sign-in to Apple's website to locate their missing device and look at a map. The application also allows users to set a password lock, remotely wipe their device if it contains any sensitive information and even display a message with a sound to help pinpoint the exact location of the handset. To take advantage of the app, consumers will need to own an iPhone 4, iPad or fourth generation iPod Touch that runs on iOS 4.2.

While the app is certainly a bonus for owners of Apple mobile devices, it will be the end for Mobile Me, the company's subscription-based collection of software and online services.  But ask Mobile Me customers and they'll tell you this is a good thing.

Get this app, it's bound to help you at some point.


Lose Your Apple Device, Locate it for Free

Apple released a new version of iOS on Monday, adding new features to the mobile operating system that drives the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

Owners of the iPad, a camera-equipped iPod Touch or iPhone 4 can go to the App Store and download Find My iPhone. The service was previously included only as part of Apple's Mobile Me package, which costs $99 per year.

Once the feature is enabled, the owner of a lost device can see its location on a website, which accesses the phone's GPS coordinates to show it on a map. You can also have the gadget display a message pleading for whomever finds your property to return it; additionally, you can set a passcode or send a command to wipe personal information from the hardware.

The update also adds the ability to wirelessly print documents and to transmit video or music to an Apple TV or compatible speaker system using a feature called AirPlay.

This software version 4.2 brings the iPad in line with Apple's other mobile products. With this version, the iPad can now run apps in the background -- say, listening to Pandora while surfing the Web. It also unlocks Game Center (Apple's social network for games), the ability to organize apps into folders and new features for e-mail users.