iPad Free App of the Week: Snapseed

Finally, an iPad photography app that doesn't insult your intelligence.
Get Snapseed for FREE from 9/20—9/23 and get the app Apple named their iTunes App of the Week in August!
Snapseed makes any photograph extraordinary and puts a fun high-quality photo experience right at your fingertips.
Now anyone can enhance, transform, and share their photos with ease using incredibly advanced features from the leader in digital photography software!
• Easily browse and adjust your photos with a single tap using Auto Correct
• Tweak your photo to perfection with Tune Image
• Use Selective Adjust to enhance specific objects or areas in your photos
• Experiment with fun and innovative features like Drama, Vintage, Grunge, and Center Focus
• Add Borders for incredible finishing touches
• Email your creations or share them on Facebook and Flickr
• 6.25 MP images for iPad, iPhone 3Gs, and iPod Touch (3rd and 4th Gen), 16 MP images for iPad 2 and iPhone 4 (larger images will be automatically down sampled)
• JPEG and TIFF photos
• RAW photos (requires iPad or iPad 2) transferred using the Camera Connector Kit (if files show up as a small thumbnail, go to Settings > Location Services and turn this setting to On for Snapseed. This is required to allow Snapseed to use the iOS RAW processing)