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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Free (34)


Kindle Pick of the Week: Dangerous Habits

No secret stays buried forever.

"...a twisty tale that keeps readers guessing right up to the heart-stopping climax.” —Shannon Baker, author of the Kate Fox Mystery Series

When a torrential rainstorm uncovers a hidden corpse, small-town reporter Leah Nash is called in to cover the story.

The body is identified as Sister Mattea Riordan. Leah knew her. She was a nun who worked as an administrator at DeMoss Academy, the local school for troubled kids. The same school that Leah’s sister Lacey attended when she died in a tragic accident five years earlier.

The property at DeMoss Academy includes a large woods and a stretch of bluffs high above the Himmel River. Investigators think it was from this location that Sister Mattea plunged to her death and drowned.

But that’s not the shocking part.

Just before she died, Sister Mattea sent Leah a cryptic message. And it had something to do with Leah’s sister...

What if Lacey’s death wasn’t an accident? What if it was a murder?

What if that same person killed Sister Mattea to cover their misdeeds?

That would mean the killer is still out there.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: How to Think Bigger

Have you ever wondered what separates people who think bigger from people who set their bar low? What makes one person accept low standards and another person to constantly raise them?

Why does one person strive to build an international organization affecting the lives of millions of people, while another person is content working her entire life as a clerk? (Not that there’s anything wrong with being a clerk!)

Why is one person challenging herself to run marathons, train her body and get fitter, while another is happy living a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle?

What drives a person who’s optimizing every single aspect of her life and what causes another person to maintain the status quo?

You can say, “Well, the answer is simple enough – one person is ambitious, while the other one is not.” But what exactly causes it? And most importantly – how do you become more ambitious and think bigger? Is it something you’re born with and can’t change, or is it something over which you have control?

I found this topic so fascinating I decided to find out the answer for myself and write a book about it. This book is the result of my research about people who think big and the science of being more ambitious.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Peak Performance Secrets

What if I could show you a simple way, a PROVEN SCIENTIFIC PROCESS, that RAPIDLY ACCELERATES your Performance, Productivity, Creativity, Learning, Focus, and Wealth, would you be interested?

After three decades of studying and practicing the most ADVANCED PERFORMANCE TECHNIQUES known to man, I’m now pulling back the curtain of Yogi SECRECY and letting you into a world of that everyone SEEKS but very few FIND....

The Scientific community and Researchers have already PROVEN how this training will INCREASE your PRODUCTIVITY, FOCUS, CREATIVITY, and the ability to LEARN FASTER up to 800% (*Harvard Business Review, McKinsey, Forbes, Fortune, U.S. Military - DARPA, Advanced Brain Monitoring, University of Sydney, Yogananda).

And those results come from the Beginner Level Techniques most people are stuck using at the 3rd Level of Human Development.

Wait until you learn the ADVANCED PERFORMANCE TECHNIQUES discovered and perfected by the highest functioning humans that have ever walked our planet - the Superhumans (*SUPERHUMANS by Todd Denen).

Would you like to learn this incredible SECRET?

Would you like me to guide you, STEP-BY-STEP, through this Advanced process?

Make no mistake, this is NOT the SAME Old Beginner Level Flow Training that’s been recycled, repackaged, and repeated for the last 30 years!

For example, the Beginner Level Teacher says,

“OK everyone, let's FOCUS, I want you to have CLEAR GOALS, to be MOTIVATED, try to INNOVATE, and you really need to CHALLENGE yourself for this FLOW thing to work.”

No wonder most people ONLY spend 5% of their time at work functioning at a PEAK LEVEL of PERFORMANCE (*McKinsey, Yogananda)!

The other 95% of the time, you're stuck in a LOW-PERFORMANCE MODE and that's just like throwing money right down the drain...

Instead of dealing with that Beginner Level crap, why not LEVEL UP and take the same path as the Superhumans who have MASTERED the state of Peak Performance (Flow) and all 7 Levels of Human Development, see Chapter 5 - What Defines A Superhuman (Flow Expert) and Chapter 7 - The 7 Levels of Human Development.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Favorite Christmas Cookies

A book full of delicious cookie recipes to share with the family this Christmas!

In this book you’ll find favorite cookies of the heroes and heroines in the Ten Christmas Brides romance-novel boxed set. Some are the treats our characters remember fondly from their childhoods. Others are the ones they enjoy today—or make to give as gifts. Here you’ll find everything from Almond Crescents, Coffee Pecan Delights, and Swedish Teacake Cookies to Rocks, Butterscotch Brownies and Scottish Shortbread. And each recipe comes with a note explaining how it fits into the author’s story, so you’ll have a little more insight into her characters and plot.

The recipes are the authors' gifts to you this holiday season. Enjoy these special goodies and have a wonderful Christmas.

Get it now for free!


KIndle Free Pick of the Week: Car Boot Tales: The Daft and The Curious

This book is funny!

If you've ever wondered what goes through the mind of a car boot stall holder, then there are two things you need to do:

1. Read this book
2. Get yourself some new hobbies

If you're thinking about setting up your very first car boot stall, then this book will be an excellent guide for you. If you've done one before, then the characters you'll meet in here will be all too familiar to you.

Whilst it would be all too easy to present this book as some sort of manual, its primary purposes is to make you wonder why anyone in their right mind would ever choose to sell at a car boot sale. The hours are unsociable, the weather unpredictable and the profits are non existent. But do it right, and they'll be the most hilarious and fun way to spend a morning.

Paul J Rose took his assorted 'treasures' to a selection of car boot sales close to his home. His mission was a simple one - to clear out his house. However, as time went on, something much more interesting happened; the exchanges that took place between buyer and seller became more and more ridiculous.

Get it for free now!