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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in gadget protects (1)


Made in Atlanta: Protect Your Gadgets with a Rookcase

I want one badly, a Rookcase that is.  If you're an avid Kindle, iPad or Nook user but miss the feel of a real book, an Atlanta entreprenuer may be able to solve your problem. She makes the Rookcase, a protective case for those high-tech e-reader gadgets that is actually handcrafted from recycled books.

It's made by Atlanta-based Etsy artisan Heather Schnelle, and it serves two purposes. The Rookcase protects your e-reader and lets it go incognito with a "book style" case. There's a variety of cases offered: some are from actual old books, while others are new and modern. For these sleeker contemporary models, there's the possibility of selecting one of four outer cover colors and one of 14 interior cover colors available.

Each case is unique, depending on which recycled book you prefer. Some are classic covers like an older edition of The Hobbit, while others can be a little more modern looking.

It also helps the environment by recycling all those unused books we have taking up space.

The cases come with a cushioned, custom one piece birch tray, and there's an elastic book strap for added protection.

Get one or two of these now. Here's Heather's place on Etsy: .  Get one for your Mom, too.